China: A Land Mafia

China: An expansionist and non-democratic regime often breaches international laws and dreams to change world order via illegal means by hook or by crook.

China and its expansionist policy: The map of China with their neighboring country around 1949, as shown in Figure 1, does not show any border between India and China. In Figure 2, we can visualize that how Chinese regimes occupied a huge part (~ 4.1 million sq km) of the six-neighboring territory and expanded their area of their territory on well-planned manners: They have occupied Ugar province, which is East province of current China and it was an independent Turkestan which was a part of Ottoman Empire; Tibet, was an independent country till 1949, and Chinese illegally occupied this territory and their leaders, e.g., Dali Lama and his followers, are in exile in India. They have occupied a large part of Mongolian territory. Hongkong has an autonomous statue till 1997 with international agreements, but in the 21st-century Chinese establishment wants fully to rule over Hongkong and we can see huge protests on a daily basis in Hongkong. Macau has full autonomy, but today it is fully occupied by China. 

Line of Actual Control (LAC) between India and China: Can you imaging that the expansionist policy of China has made it possible to have a large ~ 3500 km border between India and China, which is well known as Line of Actual Control (LAC). They have already occupied a large land area, 38000 square km, of India during the first war between India and China in 1962. However, even after the war, there was not much development of infrastructure on the Indian side of LAC. Interestingly, China has already constructed roads, army bases, airports in that region very close to LAC. Indian leadership, led by Mr. Narendra Modi has initiated the construction of much-needed Roads and bridges on the Indian side of LAC; this is a very important development to connect supplies to that part of India. However, the expansionist Chinese establishment did not want this development and has opposed the Indian government.

Fig.1 Map of China and its neighbor before 1949

Fig.2 Map of China showing occupied territory

Current Situations at LAC between China and India : Recently, in the night of June 15-16, 2020 there was a clash between the Indian Army and the Chinese army that led to the supreme sacrifice of twenty Indian soldiers and probably thirty-five to fifty Chinese soldiers. The Indian government has never hidden the supreme sacrifice of their soldiers and officially accepted martyred of Indian soldiers and give them state honor. However, the Chinese government has never revealed an official number of casualties caused in their Army during the fight between the Indian and Chinese Army at the Galwan valley. The Indian government has announced that the sacrifice of their army, at Galwan valley, helped in restoring the earlier position of LAC. 

What caused this clash at LAC which become a flash point of the third world war-3?

This is a highly complex issue and it has multidimensional implications. Are the Chinese provocation on the Indian border and south china sea with the USA the initiation of world war-3? Is it possible for China to occupy the Indian Territory in the 21st century, and continue doing business of above 100 billion dollars yearly? Chinese regime has already misled this world and humanity by misinforming on #COVID19, and this medical crisis will be turning towards a massive Economic crisis. It seems that the Chinese establishment wants to take advantage of their intentionally inducted medical crisis around this globe to further occupy a large land of India and their other neighboring country.

Disclaimer: The author takes no responsibility for Maps/Figures taken from open google sources and viewpoints are personal. e-mail:; Twitter ID, @kbmishra
