
Chinese soldiers are seen with sharp weapons in the evening of September 7 near Pangong lake

According to highly placed sources of the Government of India, this picture is of the evening of September 7, shortly before the sun sets. In this picture, Chinese soldiers are seen with sharp weapons. This world can see how Chinese PLA soldiers tried to change the status quo at the border by unconventional ways like street goons of early movies . Probably they wanted to repeat the galwan valley incidents, but the alertness of the Indian army destroy their plan. पैंगोंग झील के पास 7 सितंबर की शाम को चीनी सैनिकों को धारदार हथियार के साथ देखा जाता है । भारत सरकार के उच्च पदस्थ सूत्रों के अनुसार, यह तस्वीर सूर्यास्त से कुछ देर पहले 7 सितंबर की शाम की है। इस तस्वीर में चीनी सैनिकों को धारदार हथियारों के साथ देखा जा रहा है। यह दुनिया देख सकती है कि किस तरह चीनी पीएलए के सैनिकों ने शुरुआती फिल्मों के स्ट्रीट गुंडों की तरह गैर-पारंपरिक तरीकों से सीमा पर यथास्थिति को बदलने की कोशिश की। संभवतः वे गैलवान घाटी की घटनाओं को दोहराना चाहते थे, लेकिन भारतीय सेना की सतर्कता ने उनकी योजना को नष्ट क

भारत में एक खुशी का दिन: भगवान राम को न्याय; उनके मंदिर का निर्माण अयोध्या में 5 अगस्त 2020 को शुरू किया गया है।

वर्ष 1528 में, मुगल सम्राट बाबर ने भगवान राम के मंदिर को ध्वस्त कर दिया, अयोध्या में सभी कार्यवाहक संतों को मार डाला गया, और मंदिर पर एक मस्जिद का निर्माण किया गया।  अनेक मंदिरों का विध्वंस तथा शहरो के नाम बदलने का उद्देश्य इस ग्रह से 5000 साल पुरानी संस्कृति हिंदू धर्म को नष्ट करना था। मुगलों के बाद भी, भारत विभाजित था  तथा 1947 तक विदेशी ताकतों द्वारा और शासित था। ब्रिटिश से  स्वतंत्रता के बाद भी, भारतीय राजनीतिक ताकतें धीरे-धीरे विकसित हुईं, लेकिन वोट की राजनीति के कारण राम मंदिर पर निर्णय लेने की हिम्मत नहीं हुई। राजनेताओं की इस अभद्रता ने बहुसंख्यक हिंदुओं में नाराजगी पैदा कर दी क्योंकि उनके सर्वोच्च देवता, राम, एक तम्बू घर में रह रहे थे, और वे कुछ नहीं कर सकते थे। यह राजनीतिक ताकतों के लिए एक अवसर था, और उन्होंने वास्तव में राम मंदिर के मुद्दों का पूरी तरह से शोषण किया, और सत्ता में आए। यद्यपि आधुनिक समय में विकास के मुद्दों पर चुनाव लड़ा गया था, राम मंदिर का मुद्दा वर्तमान में सत्ताधारी पार्टी का आधार था, जिसने 1980 के दशक में केवल 2 संसदों को जीता था। पिछले साल, 9 नवंबर, 1919 क

A joyful day in India: Justice to God Rama; construction of his temple, in Ayodhya, is started: August 5, 2020.

In the year 1528, Mughal emperor Babar demolished the temple of God Rama and killed all caretakers, saints, in Ayodhya, and constructed a Mosque right over the temple. The demolition of the temple and changing the name of the cities were intended to destroy ~5000 years old culture, Hinduism, from this planet. Even after Mughals, India was divided and ruled by foreign forces until the year 1947. Even after the Independence of India by British forces, political forces gradually evolved but did not dare to take decisions on Ram Temple because of vote politics. This indecisiveness of politicians created an outrage among Indians because their supreme God, Rama, was living in a tent house, and they could not do anything. This was an opportunity for political forces; they indeed fully exploited issues of Ram Temple, and indeed came into power democratically. Although in the modern time election was fought on the developmental issues, the Ram Temple issue was the base of the currently ruling p

Digital strikes on Chinese Apps as security measures to its citizens by the Indian Government

Digital Apps does put your privacy at risk and misuses personal data:   This is a wonderful era of humanity where the digital revolution, in fact, omitted physical boundaries, on this planet and beyond, for communication and sharing information in-spite of very strict rules and regulations of the government where the physical movement of the individual is impossible without following terms and conditions of Visa of the destination country. However, in this digital era, different companies launch various applications (Apps) that collect personal data, and common people unknowingly download Apps and give permission to use their very private information by the company owner of the Apps. When someone downloads and install unknown apps, they automatically give permission to use their sensitive data to the owner of the company and there is no guaranty that they won't misuse the personal information contents and it is indeed possible to hack even very sensitive information, e.g., bank acc

China: A Land Mafia

China: An expansionist and non-democratic regime often breaches international laws and dreams to change world order via illegal means by hook or by crook. China and its expansionist policy:  The map of China with their neighboring country around 1949, as shown in Figure 1, does not show any border between India and China. In Figure 2, we can visualize that how Chinese regimes occupied a huge part (~ 4.1 million sq km ) of the six-neighboring territory and expanded their area of their territory on well-planned manners: They have occupied Ugar province, which is East province of current China and it was an independent Turkestan which was a part of Ottoman Empire; Tibet, was an independent country till 1949, and Chinese illegally occupied this territory and their leaders, e.g., Dali Lama and his followers, are in exile in India. They have occupied a large part of Mongolian territory. Hongkong has an autonomous statue till 1997 with international agreements, but in the 21st-century Chine

Non-Chinese television brands:A boycott of Made In China movement

Non-Chinese Television brands Samsung  LG  Sony VIZIO Panasonic  Sanyo Philips   UV  गैर-चीनी टेलीविजन ब्रांड सैमसंग एलजी सोनी विज़ियो पैनासोनिक  सान्यो फिलिप्स  यूवी e-mail:; Twitter ID, @kbmishra

Non-Chinese Smartphones: A boycott of Made In China movement

Following are the non-chinese smart phone companies.   Samsung Galaxy Nokia LG iPhone ASUS ASUS ROG Google Pixel Chinese communist regime has become a shame after spreading the Chinese virus, COVID19, and its lies killed millions of human life around this beautiful world. Hashtags of our movement #BoycottChinaMovement: #BoycottChina, #BoycottMadeInChina, #ChinaIsALiar, #ByeByeChina Boycotting Chinese goods and services will be a tribute to millions died by the pandemic, Chinese virus, COVID19. कृपया गैर-चीनी स्मार्टफोन कंपनियों का अनुसरण करें। सैमसंग गैलेक्सी नोकिया एलजी आई - फ़ोन ASUS Google पिक्सेल चीनी वस्तुओं और सेवाओं का बहिष्कार चीनी वायरस COVID19 द्वारा लाखों लोगों की मृत्यु को श्रद्धांजलि होगी. e-mail:; Twitter ID, @kbmishra